
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU




Sabine Verheyen


CZ Czech Chamber of Deputies


Reception Date *: 14-12-2022

CZ Czech Senate

Reception Date *: 21-12-2022

DE German Bundesrat

Reception Date *: 11-04-2023

DE German Bundesrat

Reception Date *: 04-12-2023

IE Irish Houses of the Oireachtas

Reception Date *: 09-12-2022

IT Italian Senate

Reception Date *: 08-02-2023

IT Italian Chamber of Deputies

Reception Date *: 20-07-2023

IT Italian Chamber of Deputies

Reception Date *: 19-12-2022

NL Netherlands Senate

Reception Date *: 20-04-2023

NL Netherlands Senate

Reception Date *: 20-12-2022

PT Portuguese Parliament

Reception Date *: 21-12-2022


*This date refers to the official reception in the European Parliament.