
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material and replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA (recast)

Procedure(s)  N/A

Committees  N/A

Rapporteur(s)  N/A


IT Italian Chamber of Deputies

Reception Date *: 30-05-2024

PT Portuguese Parliament

Reception Date *: 02-06-2024

FR French Senate

Reception Date *: 28-05-2024

RO Romanian Chamber of Deputies

Reception Date *: 13-06-2024

DE German Bundesrat

Reception Date *: 20-06-2024

CZ Czech Chamber of Deputies


Reception Date *: 30-04-2024

RO Romanian Senate

Reception Date *: 06-06-2024

ES Spanish Parliament

Reception Date *: 03-09-2024


*This date refers to the official reception in the European Parliament.