
Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) 2021/2115 and (EU) 2021/2116 as regards good agricultural and environmental condition standards, schemes for climate, environment and animal welfare, amendments to CAP Strategic Plans, review of CAP Strategic Plans and exemptions from controls and penalties

Procedure(s)  N/A

Committees  N/A

Rapporteur(s)  N/A


CZ Czech Senate

Reception Date *: 29-04-2024

CZ Czech Senate

Reception Date *: 29-04-2024

ES Spanish Parliament

Reception Date *: 03-09-2024

FR French Senate

Reception Date *: 29-04-2024

IT Italian Senate

Reception Date *: 16-05-2024

IT Italian Chamber of Deputies

Reception Date *: 24-04-2024


*This date refers to the official reception in the European Parliament.